- But the bidders have a tricky balancing-act to pull off .
- 为了实现目标,竞标者还要进行一些棘手的协调工作。
- Release connector and pull off .
- 释放连接器并拔出接头。
- Release and pull off multiple connector .
- 松开并拔下多接头。
- Corporate turnarounds are painful ungainly and notoriously difficult things to pull off .
- 众所周知,要想完成企业好转的过程是痛苦而艰难的。
- I personally find this difficult to pull off .
- 我个人认为这很难能够成功。
- While this shape-shifting takes on the order of seconds to minutes in nature the fastest computers don 't have the muscle yet to pull off the feat .
- 当这种形状变化在自然界中呈现秒到分的顺序?时,最快的电脑也还没有力量来实现这种壮举。
- Pull off connector on seat-belt pretensioner .
- 拉出安全带预紧器上的接头。
- Pull off a chair open the wardrobe top drawing exhibition look around this thing I 've done it many times .
- 拉过椅子,打开衣柜最上层的抽展,到处瞧瞧,这件事我已经做过很多次了。
- But information wasn 't enough to pull off an insider-trading plan .
- 不过仅仅有信息还不足以让内部交易计划付诸实施。
- There are some tricks that even obama magic cannot pull off .
- 这些把戏就连奥巴马的传奇的魔术也无法摆脱。